Pop up sprinkler systems are the ultimate in automatic irrigation and are fast becoming the popular home improvement choice amongst homeowners in the UK. The pipework and sprinklers are all buried underground meaning they are completely hidden from view, keeping a great aesthetic in the garden. The pop up sprinklers rise from the ground whenever the system is activated, and then retract back down when the system is turned off. Pop up sprinkler systems are ideal for many different types of gardens, and are used primarily for watering grass areas, but can also be used for watering flower beds and borders too. A massive benefit of choosing a pop up sprinkler system over a traditional lawn sprinkler set-up is the massive reduction in water use, as the pop up sprinklers, when installed correctly, deliver water precisely and efficiently throughout the garden, eliminating wastage.
If you require any help planning a pop up sprinkler system, give our friendly team a call who will be more than happy to lend a hand. Or you can head over to the help & advice centre to read our comprehensive guide on planning & installing a pop up sprinkler system.